
 Creating Lanyon

Judi Power ThomsonJudi Power Thomson, Convict Hut (detail), Acrylic on Canvas, 2019

Judi Power Thomson

Artist's Statement

As part of the ASOC Residency Program at Lanyon, I chose to do a series of eight paintings on the homestead and the surrounding area. I chose differing viewpoints of the homestead to create interest as well as capturing the convict huts, the courtyard, the gardens, the view of the Murrumbidgee from the café and a magnificent old gum tree on the property. To help capture the feeling of the 1850s, I prepared a textured surface on which to work, reminiscent of the stone buildings and stucco rendering of that period.  This was done with a modelling compound and a palette knife scraped on the canvas. I feel the rough texture sits well with the stone, rock and granite of the homestead.  The artwork is created in acrylic paint on stretched canvas with a satin finishing varnish.


I attended the National Art School in Sydney for three years before moving to Canberra where I continued my art studies at the ANU and in the USA. I have held six solo exhibitions at the Bungendore Wood Works Gallery and have been teaching at the Belconnen Arts Centre since it opened. I have won numerous prizes including second prize in the Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award, winner of the Brindabella Art Prize, winner of the Goulburn Traditional Art Award and two ‘Best of Show’ awards. I have also been a finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Art Prize, the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, John Copes Portrait Prize, Lethbridge Small Art Award, Goulburn Art Award, Calleen Art Prize and the Canberra Art Award. I have been a judge of several regional art shows and my work has been published in newspapers and magazines. My work is held in collections in Australia overseas.

Artworks by Judi Power Thomson
Photographed by Andrew Sikorski, Art Atelier Photography