Mr & Mrs Calthorpe's Bedroom
Dressing for Bridge
Mr and Mrs Calthorpe’s bedroom is the height of elegance with its matching furniture and soft pastel tones. The bedroom is always kept pristine, but it is her private domain, not on show for guests. This is the last room fitted-out with Beard Watson furniture. An avid reader of mail order catalogues, Mrs Calthorpe is always up to date with the latest fashions, but she chooses to buy her clothes locally or on shopping trips to Sydney. Like their mother, Del and Dawn love the catalogues as much as they love receiving the parcels when they are delivered.
Inside the wardrobe are still some of the lovely clothes Mrs Calthorpe collected and cared for so beautifully. They are fragile now, and best seen in pictures.
The telephone next to the bed is Harry's one touch in this room. He used it to keep in close contact with his work as a stock and station agent.
Mother is a great cook and one of the best Bridge players in Canberra – but there’s one thing that embarrasses me about her. She does all her housework in her dressing gown with shoes and stockings, not slippers. She often doesn’t take a bath until after noon and then gets ready for her game of Bridge.
I love to watch her dressing up for fancy Bridge parties when she and Pop meet their friends. The women wear elegant gowns with matching jackets; Pop and his friends are dapper in their dinner suits.