In the 19th century, bathrooms were a luxurious convenience – in the 20th century, they became temples of hygiene. Those stark white tiles cannot lie if dirt lurks anywhere. Cleanliness after all, is next to godliness.
This is a thoroughly modern bathroom for the 1920s, with its indoor toilet and hot and cold running water with a state-of-the-art mixer tap. It is even bigger than Dawn’s Bedroom! The pride and joy was a graceful pedestal wash basin, much admired by visitors. Well it was that is, until it broke.
The first blemishes were fine grey lines, perhaps the result of something heavy falling out of the cupboard above, which no amount of scrubbing or cleaning agent could remove.
But it met its end one night just as Del was about to go out.
Dressed in her party best and waiting outside, she decided to move the garden sprinkler, accidentally stepping in a patch of muddy dirt. No time to wash her foot in the shower, she thought a quick wash in the hand basin would do. As she went to plunge her foot into the bowl, there was an almighty crash as the basin broke away and fell to the floor.
Fearing their parent’s wrath and a whack with the cane handle of the feather duster, Dawn and Del set about cleaning the spilt water and broken china away. Dawn broke the news to her parents as they sat with friends. She was scolded, not for the broken basin – but for mentioning it in front of guests.